Research and Innovative Activity
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30 Dec 2021
Biologists from RUDN University working together with their colleagues from the Institute of Molecular Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Flax studied the genes that determine the fatty acid composition in flaxseed oil and identified polymorphisms in six of them. The team also found out what gene variations could extend the shelf life of flaxseed oil. This data can be used to improve the genetic selection of new flax breeds. The results were published in the BMC Plant Biology journal.
30 Dec 2020
RUDN physician Anna Borisova, in collaboration with colleagues from Italy, used effective searches and classified 123 articles on this research topic. A literature review was conducted by searching databases of medical and biological publications: PubMed, the U.S. National Library of Medicine, and Embase (Elsevier), a biomedical database.
30 Dec 2020
About Tree Talkers and soil structures, proper environmental management for sustainable urban development — in an interview with Elvira Davletyarov, Director of the Agrarian and Technological Institute of RUDN University.
30 Dec 2020
A team of chemists from RUDN University and INEOS synthesized two heterometallic clusters at once with an efficiency close to 100%. These compounds are used as catalysts in pharmaceuticals, polymer production and other areas of the chemical industry.
30 Dec 2020
An international team including chemists from RUDN University suggested an economically feasible and environmentally friendly method to synthesize surfactants. The new compounds can become an eco-friendly alternative to traditional chemicals used in oil production, skincare products manufacture, and in the pharmaceutical industry to transport drugs to diseased body tissues.
30 Dec 2020
RUDN University soil scientist studied the soil samples of the Tibetan plateau. It turned out that the increase in soil moisture, which occurs due to the melting of permafrost and glaciers, will lead to an even greater increase in temperature. The findings suggest that waterlogging needs to be contained to slow global warming.
30 Dec 2020
A team of mathematicians from RUDN University added new symbolic integration functionality to the Sage computerized algebra system. The team implemented ideas and methods suggested by the German mathematician Karl Weierstrass in the 1870s.
30 Dec 2020
Russian chemists have proposed a new reaction for the synthesis of complex organic substances in a single vessel. The resulting products were effective against cancer cells, including those resistant to known drugs.
30 Dec 2020
Ekaterina Sorokina, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural has been awarded a trusted reviewer status of the British Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP Publishing). Only 15% of reviewers are awarded this status.
30 Dec 2020
Valery Stolyar, Ph. D., head of the Department of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Winner of the Russian Federation Government and the V.I. Burakovsky prizes, founder of telemedicine in Russia. Explains how to use the features of the services without risking your health.
30 Dec 2020
Allowing for quantum corrections, the Einstein-Lovelock theory describes black holes with an equation that contains an infinite number of terms. However, according to a RUDN University physicist, the geometry of a black hole in this theory can be presented in a compact form, and a limited number of terms can suffice to describe the observed values. This could help scientists study black holes in theories with quantum corrections to Einstein’s equations.
30 Dec 2020
RUDN University chemist discovered four new stable compounds that can be obtained in the reaction of iodine with methylammonium iodide — the use of these substances will allow the production of perovskite solar panels without toxic reagents, and will save manufacturers from by-products.
30 Dec 2020
Alkylation reactions are used in the petrochemical industry to obtain high-octane number components for gasolines. A chemist from RUDN University found a way to speed this process up to 24 times. To do so, he developed a catalyst based on silica and niobium. The results of his work were published in the Molecular Catalysis journal.
30 Dec 2020
A scientist from RUDN University analysed the effect of visual impairment on a person’s perception of unfamiliar sounds when learning a foreign language. The experiment showed that lack of access to visual cues makes learning difficult.Results of workpublished in the journal Medical Hypotheses.
30 Dec 2020
According to a team of ecologists from RUDN University, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be used as pollution indicators and help monitor the movement of pollutants in environmental components such as soils, plants, and water. To find this out, the team conducted a large-scale study of a variety of soil, water, and plant samples collected from a vast area from China to the Antarctic. The results of the study were published in the Applied Geochemistry journal.
30 Dec 2020
A scientist from RUDN University suggested a new physical model to describe the optical properties of dense plasma. The model was tested on available experimental data and does not require complex calculations. The work was published in the Annals of Physics journal.
30 Dec 2020
Even if a black hole can be described with a mathematical model, it doesn’t mean it exists in reality. Some theoretical models are unstable: though they can be used to run mathematical calculations, from the point of view of physics they make no sense. A physicist from RUDN University developed an approach to finding such instability regions.
30 Dec 2020
Chemists from RUDN University synthesized soluble biopolymers based on chitin from crab shells. Together with palladium, they form effective catalysts for organic reactions, and their nanoparticles can be re-used over ten times.
30 Dec 2020
Having conducted a large-scale study, a team of scientists improved the classification of human diurnal activity and suggested using 6 chronotypes instead of just ’early birds’ and ’night owls’. Two thousand participants, including the employees of the Institute of Medicine of RUDN University, were tested in the course of the research.
30 Dec 2020
Yakov Kuzyakov, a well-known soil scientist, a leading scientist at RUDN Agricultural and Technological Institute and a professor at the King Saud University, has been awarded the title of highly cited researcher in the field of agricultural sciences (according to Clarivate).
30 Dec 2020
A RUDN chemist has obtained a new compound — a dumbbell-shaped phosphate-bridged molybdenum cluster. The cluster accelerates the reaction of the formation of sulfides from oxides and can be used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic manufacturing.
30 Dec 2020
Mathematicians from RUDN University have studied the properties of compositional operators in spaces with mixed Lebesgue norms. It will help describe the diffusion of liquids in materials with cracks and in porous materials. Such spaces are also useful for obtaining estimates for solutions to the Navier-Stokes equation.
30 Dec 2020
A biophysicist from RUDN University and his colleagues modelled the molecular dynamics of growth of microtubules, the most important elements of cell activity. The researchers have built a model for the interaction of microtubule subunits, which takes into account their internal and external connections. The results will help form a more complete model of the dynamic instability of microtubules. It will allow choosing chemical agents for the treatment of certain diseases, including neoplasms and neurodegenerative pathologies.
30 Dec 2020
A RUDN chemist in collaboration with colleagues from N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry and N.K. Koltsov Institute of Developmental Biology (IDB), RAS have developed a new method for the synthesis of isoxazole derivatives — substances that destabilize the process of cell division and potentially may become the basis for new anti-cancer drugs. The new method is based on the use of easily available reagents and does not require high temperatures.
30 Dec 2020
RUDN mathematicians have learned how to reduce the average waiting time for service delivery systems users. They have proposed a new approach that significantly improves the efficiency of Internet resource use. It can be used in transportation, telecommunications, entertainment systems, reference networks and health care testing systems.
30 Dec 2020
RUDN University soil scientist studied the soil samples of the Tibetan plateau. It turned out that the increase in soil moisture, which occurs due to the melting of permafrost and glaciers, will lead to an even greater increase in temperature. The findings suggest that waterlogging needs to be contained to slow global warming.
30 Dec 2020
Russian chemists have proposed a new reaction for the synthesis of complex organic substances in a single vessel. The resulting products were effective against cancer cells, including those resistant to known drugs.
30 Dec 2020
Valery Stolyar, Ph. D., head of the Department of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Winner of the Russian Federation Government and the V.I. Burakovsky prizes, founder of telemedicine in Russia. Explains how to use the features of the services without risking your health.
30 Dec 2020
RUDN University chemist discovered four new stable compounds that can be obtained in the reaction of iodine with methylammonium iodide — the use of these substances will allow the production of perovskite solar panels without toxic reagents, and will save manufacturers from by-products.
30 Dec 2020
A new study conducted by RUDN scientists is devoted to the problem of the aggressive impact of globalization on national education systems. In recent decades, there has been an intensive unification of national education systems in form, methods, and content. Specific and unique features determined by the historical evolution, economy and politics of different countries are being erased. What is the cause of social tension among professors and teachers? Are publications in international databases threatening national security? Read more in our article.
30 Dec 2020
Researchers from the Department of Biochemistry of RUDN University developed a wound-healing gel based on a substance that is produced by Trichoderma fungi. The results of the study were published in the Nov.-Dec. 2020 issue Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy journal.
30 Dec 2020
Indolizines are a group of substances with biological and optical properties. A team of chemists from RUDN University developed a new approach to the synthesis of indolizines using pyridinium salts and enamiones. The new substances turned out to be able to emit light in the green range which can be useful for medical applications.
30 Dec 2020
In 2017, RUDN University scientists constructed a new explicit second-order precision difference scheme using modern computer algebra methods for 2-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) [1]. This year, our mathematicians used a new scheme [2] to construct a numerical solution to the Cauchy problem with initial data (for t=0) as satisfying the continuity equation. Scientists managed to achieve previously unattainable accuracy of the continuity equation.
Visiting Professors
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30 Dec 2020
On November 6, Antonio Carluccio, an employee of the Department of Russian Language and Teaching Methods, participated in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Problems and Perspective Directions of Journalism and Humanities” at the Finance Academy in Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan).
30 Dec 2020
On November 4, Antonio Carluccio, lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Teaching Methods, gave a lecture at the University of Parma (Italy) on the multinational nature of the Russian Federation and the role of the Russian language in the former Soviet Republics.
Student's Scientific Initiatives
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30 Dec 2020
October 22 at Hotel Business and Tourism Institute of RUDN in an online format of brainstorming held an international student scientific conference “The formation of environmental culture through tourism”.
International scientific cooperation
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30 Dec 2020
In October and November, RUDN students have access to the English-language resource collections.
30 Dec 2020
October 22, the largest Russian investor Sistema Public Joint Stock Financial Corporation and RUDN University announced the beginning of a large collaboration in the field of telecommunications, agronomy, medicine, pharmaceuticals and the development of career tracks. Joint projects are launched with 5 companies of Sistema: MTS, Medsi, Aeromax, STEP Agroholding and the pharmaceutical holding of the Corporation. The agreement was signed by Vladimir Evtushenkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sistema, and Oleg Yastrebov, Rector of RUDN University.
Scientific Conferences
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30 Dec 2020
Research on green infrastructure and the latest mathematical models, remote sensing of the Earth and new materials. RUDN presented several promising research projects. Together with the RUDN scientists, Oleg Yastrebov Rector of the University and Andrey Kostin the first Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Research attended the exhibition. On December 10-11 the VII Annual National Exhibition “VUZPROMMEXPO” was held in Moscow.
30 Dec 2020
December 15-17, 2020, the first QS Subject Focus Summit will be held at the RUDN University in the subject areas “Modern Languages” and “Linguistics”. The on-line summit will focus on research in languages, linguistics and migration in the context of globalization and will be attended by 300 leading linguists and specialists on migration issues from 50 countries.
30 Dec 2020
On December 15, 2020, at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, the first-ever QS International Rating Agency subject summit in the fields of “Modern Languages” and “Linguistics” was launched. Its theme is “Languages and Migration in a Globalized World”.